Friday, 13 December 2013

Schweppes Cream Soda Review

Brand - Schweppes
Price - 80p
Shop - Tesco
Country of Origin - Hong Kong

Typical Nutritional Values Per 100ml
Energy    196kj  47kcal
Protein    0g
Carbohydrates   12g
Fat          0g

155 Calories Per Can

The can is a rather plain looking green and white can with the Schweppes logo and the words Cream Soda on the side accompanied with a big white sticker Tesco put on their imported stock which tells you all the nutritional details which is good for people that care about that kind of thing but for me is slightly annoying because i just like to look at the Japanese writing on the side of my cans but that's not a complaint about the drink its about Tesco.

This is really very nice cream soda tasted like vanilla as you would expect i think i would even go so far as to say it that its better than any cream soda I've ever tasted. However this did cost 80p for a 330ml can whereas other brands are like 30p but that is a marginal difference and to some might not even matter but this one definitely has the taste advantage over its competition.

I wish this was more readily available here in the UK if it wasn't for Tesco starting to sell it might have ended up having to buy it on the internet.

I completely recommend this its a very nice refreshing fizzy drink.

I'd give this a 9/10

Below is my video of me trying this


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